Halo 2: Project Mombasa

ABOUT The project image
"I have always been fascinated about the Halo 2 E3 2003 demo, it has quite a interesting and large history behind it. When it was showcased on that E3 it kept fans trully excited for the game, but when 2004 arrived (the launch year of Halo 2) that demo was nowhere to be seen. I always kept this idea in my mind: what if I/We could recreate that demo in all the modern hardware, make it less scripted and explorable. Use assets from all the mainline Halo games. Well, inspired by those values I decided on 2020 to recreate that demo on Unreal Engine 4 and make what some people couldnt recreate".

The name: Project Mombasa, camed from the fictional city of the Halo Universe: New Mombasa; as the E3 2003 Demo is set in the Halo Universe on the battle of Earth, that is mainly focused in the city of New Mombasa, I decided to take that name and make it the official one for the project.

Project Mombasa is set to release at 2022 free of charge for all users of the platform: Windows 10.
Halo 2 E3 2003 demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9i-4foLur0g&t=28s

Disclaimer: Halo © Microsoft Corporation. Project Mombasa was created under Microsoft´s "Game Content Usage Rules" ussing assets from Halo. It is not endorsed by Microsoft and doesnt reflect the views or opinions of Microsoft or anyone officially involved in producing or managing Halo. As such, it does not contribute to the official narrative of the fictional universe.
ABOUT ME image
"My name is Roberth Garzon, I am a very young and noob video game developer, in fact: this is my first big project.
I had some previous experience by making images and lighting on Source Filmmaker, but I always wanted more.

I was born in Colombia, and I was always trully passionate about the gaming industrie, but specially, for one game that changed the lifes of a lot of people: Halo.

The team of this project is composed by only one person: me. And even tough, that I feel that with passion I can make this project great; I can´t do this alone, so if you want to help me: well, you actually can. Just contact me trough email and you can attach models from all the halo games (except halo ce) and send them to me, I need building models, the master chief model from Halo 2 Anniversary, and guns. Lots of guns.

If you contribute to the project, you will be highlited on the credits of the project."

As we said earlier: you can contribute to the project and be part of this amazing idea. You can be part of the in-game credits by just doing a few simple actions.
At the moment we are not hiring people, but may be in the distant future.

You can send an email to: garzonmunevarroberthalejandro@gmail.com and send me all the obj models with jpeg or png textures you can. At the moment we need structures like buildings and bridges, everything that gives the impresion of a city. When I recieve what you sent to me, and apply it to the product I will request your names in order to put you in the in-game credits. So: Get tactical marines!

All the development images of the project.

Más información  
You read right: The project has social media, and you can follow it right now. (Twitter and Instagram).

The Instagram account is: @halo2_projectmombasa , while my personal account on Twitter is: @Roberth_Garzon04 . In both platforms I will update the progress of the project

This is the content road-map I have internally for the project. I will be giving details further on later this year. As you can notice I have planned to launch the title on 2022, but it can be subject to change by either delaying the project, or advance the date of launch.